what commission shold i give to someone who introduces me to investor?

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Mutual fund fees: What you don't know can hurt you

With over $600 billion dollars of assets nether direction and thousands of individual products to choose from, the common fund industry is large business organization in Canada

Past Fabio Campanella

With over $600 billion dollars of assets under direction and thousands of individual products to cull from, the mutual fund industry is big business in Canada. The concept is simple: pool people'south money together in a trust or corporation, give investment managers discretion to trade, and voila! The regular retail investor with a couple 1000 dollars to invest now has direct exposure to a well-diversified investment portfolio and professional person money management that at one time was only available to the extremely wealthy.

But what does this really toll you lot?

Much has been written in the financial press about mutual fund fees in Canada lately and it is no secret that Canadian funds have higher fees overall than most of our peers. The average Canadian equity fund has a direction expense ratio (or "MER") of anywhere between 2-ii.75 percent per year. The industry appears to be responding to the public'due south desire for more than cost effective alternatives; Indexed ETFs and low-fee do-it-yourself funds seem to be popping upwardly almost weekly. All the same, depression-toll ETFs only represent a minute fraction of the overall retail investment sector; traditionally managed mutual funds are however the ascendant players.

So why do common funds cost so much? More importantly is there a way to avert having to coughing up all of these fees? Equally with anything in finance information technology takes a bit of research to get a total grasp on whatever investment vehicle. Mutual fund MERs are composed of a multitude of expenditures that are required to go along the fund running. Many of these expenditures are just a cost of doing business only the major component, the management fee, is actually the one component that investors should pay the most attending to. In nigh common funds the management fee is a combination of ii major components. First is the fee paid to the actual common fund visitor for managing the money in the fund. This fee compensates the common fund company for actually managing the money, making buy/sell decisions, marketing, etc. Second is the sales fee to the broker that sells you the common fund. This compensates brokerages and common fund sales people for routing your coin to the fund. In many cases it is the 2nd component, the sales fee, which is actually the larger component.  The practiced news is that you have a choice in what sort of sales fees you pay. Below is a synopsis of the typical choices Canadian retail investors take along with their potential benefits and drawbacks.

Trail commissions:
What is it? Trail commissions (or "trailers") are a commission paid to your common fund broker/dealer as on-going bounty. Trailers are paid out of the management fees charged by the mutual fund manager; hence they are paid by y'all, the investor. Trailers typically run y'all anywhere from 25 to100 footing point per year depending on the type of sales accuse you choose and the fund's classification (bond, disinterestedness etc.)

Deferred sales charge:
What is information technology? A deferred sales accuse is an indirect initial committee paid to your mutual fund broker/dealer. The common fund company will pay your advisor upward to v% of your initial investment in the form of a sales charge as bounty for having them place your coin into their funds. The common fund company will usually keep to recoup your advisor with a trail commission subsequently the initial sales charge is paid (albeit a lower than normal trailer). The benefit to this type of sales charge is the fact that the investor does not have to pay anything out of pocket initially. The drawbacks however can be immense. In club to afford such a handsome payment to your advisor, the mutual fund company must ensure that you keep agree of your investment for long plenty to make information technology assisting to them. They reach this past tagging on a redemption fee to discourage you from redeeming your units. The redemption fee runs anywhere from 2 to 7 years subsequently your initial buy and can price anywhere from 2% to half dozen% of your initial investment.

The bottom line: if you lot opt for a deferred sales charge yous'd better be sure you'll keep the investment for a long period of time or you will pay for it.

What tin you lot do? Many funds offer a normal deferred sales charge and a "depression-load" option. The low-load option pays your counselor a smaller initial commission and consequently locks you in for a shorter period of time. It almost ever makes sense to choose the depression-load option.

No-Load or Front-Finish charge:
What is information technology? No-load funds eliminate the deferred sales accuse component of your advisor's compensation. In lieu of the initial committee the mutual fund company will normally increase the annual trailer paid to your counselor. The major do good to this blazon of dealer compensation is the fact that your investment is not locked in for whatever significant period of time leaving you with the freedom to redeem your fund units should y'all decide that the fund no longer belongs in your portfolio. The drawback is that many advisors will tag on a forepart-stop commission on the sale of these funds. A front end commission is paid past you, initially, out-of-pocket. Forepart commissions typically run between 1% and ii% of your initial investment and will reduce your investment'due south initial size.

The bottom line: without the deferred sales charge you lot aren't locked into your investment, only the front-terminate commission may hamper your results.

What can you do? You can attempt to negotiate a lower front-end commission or eliminate it entirely. If you are investing a pregnant amount of money yous may be able to convince your advisor that a front end-terminate fee is not necessary.

F-class or Fee-based fund units:
What is it? F-class funds are available to investors who use advisors and pay their advisors a negotiated ongoing fee for service. F-course funds are structured such that the fund company provides no sales charges or trail commissions to your advisor; hence management fees are greatly reduced (in nigh cases cut in one-half). Advisors will forego any bounty from the mutual fund company and charge their clients a negotiated on-going fee for service instead. The benefits to this type of structure are numerous. First, there is no lock-in menstruum and investors are free to move among funds or redeem as they see fit. Second, investors with larger accounts can negotiate lower overall fees than would be possible if using traditional funds that pay trailers and sales charges. Third, in many cases fees paid in taxable accounts qualify as carrying charges and tin be written off on line 221 of your personal revenue enhancement return.

The bottom line: flexibility to redeem and switch funds well-nigh at will, potentially lower and transparent fees, and favorable tax treatment has been leading to the increased popularity of this pick.

What tin can you do? If y'all have enough upper-case letter y'all can talk to your counselor about using a fee based account for your mutual fund investments and compare your cyberspace costs to a more traditional route.

Fabio Campanella is a Chartered Auditor, a Certified Financial Planner, and a Canadian Investment Manager. He is a partner at Campanella McDonald LLP and teaches corporate finance to CGA students at Seneca Higher in Toronto.


Source: https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/mutual-fund-fees-what-you-dont-know-can-hurt-you

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