Easy a Psychology Class in Utd Chegg

Last Updated on July 28, 2022 by

Easy-A Classes In College

When it comes to choosing college classes, students typically look for easy and fun classes that treat their GPA nicely. While there are certain classes that are relatively easier than others, many classes offered in college might not look obviously easy or difficult just by telling from their names.

If you need to boost your GPA, or looking for extra classes to meet the minimum unit requirement the coming semester, these easy classes are no-brainers when it comes to obtaining an easy-A. Besides, some of these classes might be interesting and insightful, so feel free to take them if you have a few more units you need to clear towards degree requirements.

1. Humanities

Humanities classes are not only easy but offer eye-opening learning experiences for everyone. It teaches us how our brain can cognitively function to interpret our thoughts into action. You get to learn about skills to provoke our creativity and cognitive senses to the nature around us. What makes humanities class easy is that it usually allows subjective responses for its assignments which don't exactly have a right or wrong answer. You will likely learn about how remarkable intellects like Leonardo Da Vinci think, and how their groundbreaking discoveries using only primitive technology still impress modern scientists today.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 1

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2. Photography

For students who enjoy photography activities and want to learn the basics of photography skills, photography classes in college usually accommodate beginners nicely. You get to learn about photography features like ISO setting, aperture, shutter speed, mechanics, and settings found in modern cameras. Assignments only require you to take pictures of subjects around campus and cover simple knowledge of photography. Some photography classes even allow you to use your mobile phones as your photography tool for the class which can save you some money from investing in a modern digital camera like Canon or Nikon.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 1

3. Film/Theater Studies

Film or Theather classes usually require students to watch films and live play shows while having to interpret them as assignments. Some courses cover traditional studies of the history of film and theater production where you learn about roles of Producer, Director, Screenwriter, Actors, Art Director, and more during the production of a film, live play, or drama. Expect exams or quizzes to test you on basic terms, techniques used in the industry of filmography, and names famous films or shows.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 2

4. Music/Art Appreciation

If you simply enjoy many genres of music and styles of art from different parts of the world, this class should be fun and easy to get an A. Appreciation of music classes covers the very introductory discipline of music, a basic understanding of musical literature, traditional and modern music cultures, and its impact on the cultural development of global civilization, especially in Western Civilization. You will also learn about the basics of creating music, awareness of the fundamental musical genres across the world, and styles of the building blocks of music.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 3

5. Physical Education – Adapted

Physical education classes often offer fewer units compared to most classes. It provides knowledge on the techniques of muscle development skills, physical exercise techniques, and proper use of fitness tools to effectively target specific muscle areas to gain muscle mass and strength. Some colleges even offer just beginner or intermediate sports classes like swimming, tennis, badminton, football, running and more. If you simply like being physically active, choosing sports or physical education classes can be stress relieving while letting you earn some credits during the semester.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 1

6. Physical/Cultural Anthropology

Anthropology is a scientific study of the biological aspects of humans, concerned with behavior, biology, cultural and geological variation of human evolution in the history of our existence. Since this subject revolves around studying the physical features and behavior of humans that we are innately familiar with, basic anthropology classes should be very interesting and easy as we study the basic historical feature and knowledge about our ancestors.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 2

7. Communication Studies

If you want to improve your speaking or communication skills starting off with just a small group of people, communication classes offered in college are the perfect opportunity to do so. Public speaking and fundamental oral communication classes help you learn basic skills of observing, listening, and expressing which helps you manipulate conversations with people or an audience with confidence. As long as you're willing to talk and engage in a group conversation or collaborations, you should be able to ace communications classes with an A very easily.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 4

8. Appreciation of Dance and Performance

Appreciation of Dance and Performance classes don't usually require you to physically get involved in dancing but rather watch videos of live performances. This course involves studying the art of dancing as a cultural phenomenon, a form of communication, recreational, artistic expression, and entertainment performances. Students will be required to learn the basic history of dancing culture, as well as interpret the traditions and works of renowned dance performance artists. You will even likely pass the class as long as you show up for attendance.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 2

9. Astronomy

Astronomy classes offer a very unique and fun experience while studying the basic principles and development of the solar system throughout history. Some colleges or universities offer planetarium demonstrations for astronomy classes that mimic theater-like ambiance and environment to learn and watch demonstrations of the solar system. Course materials cover information study of foreign materials sampled from space, physical and biological differences of other planets, and theories of the origination of the planetary system. As long as the classes don't involve math or physics, the course should be easy.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 3

10. Geography/Meteorology/Geology

If you're someone who pays attention to the weather and is fascinated by the physical phenomenon of nature on Earth, you will find geography classes fun and easy. Basic geography classes typically cover topics of the global behavior of climates, change of seasons, formation of landfills, phenomena of natural disasters, and manmade modification to natural environments. Geography classes are guaranteed to be easy as most of the materials are common topics we typically hear on the news or media.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 2

11. Introductory Psychology

Introductory psychology classes are less daunting than you think. You will mostly learn about renowned psychologists like Sigmund Freud and their discoveries of therapies they created that are still widely used by psychologists today. Besides the history and studies of the field of psychology, you get to learn interesting facts about how our brain functions under different conditions. Depending on the syllabus of certain colleges, online psychology classes can often be easier as assignments are conducted through open-book format.

Difficulty scale out of 5: 4

What Classes To Avoid

  • Computer Science

Computer programming classes are only getting more common due to the trends and development recent of digital breakthroughs. If you're not really familiar with how a computer works, don't blindly sign up for computer science-related classes as some classes have course materials that can get rigorous which integrate much use of third-party software or tools for the class. Maybe watch a few programming language tutorials on the internet before signing up for a class that could potentially mess up your GPA.

  • History

History classes might sound fun, but it is undoubtedly packed with information that requires a lot of study hours. Certain classes conduct subjective exam papers, which require you to write essays and lengthy responses to the questions. If you're not ready to commit long hours of study for a class, you should avoid history classes as they require very detailed memorization of events. Getting an A will not be as easy as you thought in the case of History classes.

  • English Writing

College English Writing classes are often very packed with heavy assignments like essay writing and commitment to reading books. Some course materials are tied to the materials in a book, which requires reading certain books to be able to complete the writing assignments. Other than the heavy essay workload, grading styles are very different when it comes to different professors. Avoid English Writing especially if it's not your first language in college or if you're looking for an easy class.

  • Philosophy

If you think philosophy is very much like a history class, then you're wrong! Philosophy classes are more than just histories of great philosophers and their discoveries. Some philosophy classes involve a great deal of logical and critical thinking materials that are often not obvious or coherent for beginners. If you touch on epistemology and metaphysics topics, most students even find a hard time understanding lecture materials before they can even work on the assignments.

Where and How to Find Easy Classes

It should also be clear that the difficulty of certain classes also depends on the instructors teaching them. You will come across certain 'easy' classes made difficult by professors, as well as the opposite. To make sure you are well equipped and informed with the resources of where to find easy classes in a particular college, here are a few you should know:

RateMyProfessors Predominantly used around the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, students cans critique their review of professors on this platform to provide useful statistics like their opinion, level of difficulty, and grades received for a certain professor's class. Although you shouldn't fully rely on these platforms, some reviews really help you weed out professors that you would totally avoid.

Word of mouth recommendation – this is obviously the easier and fastest way to know about easy classes if you're physically connected with the right community in college. If you simply need recommendations for easy general classes, ask a school club, or if you need more specific subjects like photography, maybe ask a member from the photography club!

University Subreddits – This platform is a forum simply created by students or the campus faculty to let students ask or voice their opinions anonymously. To look for your university's subreddit, simply type in the name of your university or college followed by 'Reddit' on Google and you should find it. Although the responses and language used are more casual, you can often find unfiltered and honest responses to certain questions or topics related to campus or professors.

University Discord Server – University Discord servers are becoming an essential online platform for campus communication thanks to the pandemic. Equipped with modern features as the most customizable social platform unlike any other, they serve as a platform where you can get very casual and quick responses from students on basically any topic related in and out of school. You can always find link invites to the college Discord server through Reddit or classmates.

University Facebook Pages – If you're expecting potentially fewer but more serious responses, university Facebook pages are probably your best shot at getting honest reviews and recommendations of classes. Since everyone's disclosing their identity on Facebook, be sure to be respectful on these platforms.

More Resources

Best Easy A classes in college to help boost your GPA

9 Benefits of Taking Summer Classes

8 Ways to Transform your College Experience and Make it Fun


Source: https://collegeuncharted.com/best-easy-a-classes-to-boost-your-gpa-in-college/

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